
information needed in order to use durandal lib to digest and index nginx default logs format.

Additional info

This was customized to work with https://dotahotkeys.com page format. In case you wish to customize for your nginx webserver, you can fork it or just PM me at contato.carmando@gmail.com.

ps.: It also has a iplocation.net wrapper in order to grab information on the ip address that accessed the site.


  • Python 3.6
  • PIP for python 3.6
  • install requirements.txt file
  • Internet access, in order to use iplocation.net wrapper

In order to install the requirements file, use the followings commands:

Windows Users:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Linux/macOS Users:
$ pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt

Importing and using durandal

Download durandal.py and __init__.py files and place it on the folder site-packages/durandal/ of your system (create folder durandal in case it does not exist).

Simple usage of durandal:

from durandal import *
coordinator = durandal("/Users/carmando/Downloads/log/")
coordinator.dbfile = "/Users/carmando/PycharmProjects/Durandal/venv/output.db"

durandal() will initialize durandal’s log path (keep in mind that the default nginx log will have the prefix name of access.log)

dbfile is the output sqlite3 database name/path that will be created after durandal digest all the log information

generateReport(onlyMatch="": str) is the function used to generate the db file and start to ingest all the logs on the previously initiated path. it takes onlyMatch as arguments, meaning that it will only parse lines that have the selected string argument.

durandal private class functions

outputDB(self, *args) function used to generate the new db (file and its tables schema) in case it does not exist, and populate the db with the acquired information (it receives the data to push to the table args *args).

getIpInfo(self, ip:str) wrapper built to consult iplocation.net website with the provided ip address. Will return a list of [ip, country, region city].

splitDateAndHour(self, string:str) function used to split nginx dateHour string into a list of date and hour. Will return a list of [date, hour]